Increase and SEAN
SEAN International (Study by Extension for All Nations) is the largest provider of TEE courses worldwide. The TEE courses Abundant Life, Abundant Light and the integrated two-year ministry training series called The Life of Christ, are the courses our members use the most. These (and many others) are produced by SEAN.
SEAN began life in South America fifty years ago. The courses quickly proved their worth, and their use spread rapidly. At present SEAN materials are used in more than one hundred countries and have been translated into over eighty languages. SEAN is one of many course providers, but it is the most influential one.
Increase works closely with SEAN as the majority of Increase Core Members use some of the SEAN curriculum.

Increase and ICETE
ICETE is the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education.
Increase is a voice for church-based theological education within ICETE. Increase led workshops at ICETE conferences and consultations, showing how TEE fits in with theological education.
The relationships that developed over time have resulted in two books published in the ICETE series on Global Theological Education with Langham Publishing (see below). Increase became an Associate Member of ICETE in March 2021.
Increase also contributes to the ICETE Academy. The ICETE Academy offers high quality educational training for theologians to improve their teaching.
Increase has created four courses, and one of these is an introduction to TEE. This course provides important insights into the revival of Theological Education by Extension. It is written for leaders in theological schools and is an excellent introduction to TEE and why it works.
Increase and ATA
The Asia Theological Association (ATA) is a body of theological institutions, committed to evangelical faith and scholarship in Asia. One of the services the ATA provides to its members is the accreditation of educational programs. A number of Increase members have their TEE curriculum accredited by the ATA.
Increase is has worked closely with the ATA to provide a ‘TEE-relevant’ approach to accreditation, alongside its service to campus-based institutions.
TEE institutions don’t work in the same way as campus-based institutions, so that, while there are some factors relevant to both (like good governance and leadership) there are other things which are particular to TEE institutions.
So over the last seven or eight years, Increase members have been working with the ATA and reworking the language and the specifics of accreditation evaluation for TEE.
Most recently, two Increase Equippers have been closely involved with the revision of the ATA Accreditation Manual in line with the ICETE Standards and Guidelines for Global Evangelical Theological Education.
Increase and Langham Publishing
Langham Publishing provides Majority World pastors, scholars and seminary libraries with books and electronic resources. They also encourage Majority World scholars to write books from and for their own contexts.
Langham is partnering with ICETE to create the ICETE Series on Global Theological Education. Increase published two books in this important series.
The first book is TEE in Asia. A book for all audiences sharing how TEE is growing in countries across Asia and in Asian diaspora. Filled with testimonies, the book show how TEE does indeed Empower churches and Equip disciples.
The second book is TEE for the 21st century. A collaboration between scholars in theological education. It offers insight into why TEE needs to be considered an answer to questions in the church worldwide today.
Increase and World Evangelical Alliance
Increase has joined the Global Theology Department of the World Evangelical Alliance, in order to represent TEE programmes worldwide.
The Global Theology Department exists to lead an ongoing global discussion process between WEA’s wide range of members, churches, training institutions, theologians, and researchers.
Increase is enthusiastic about the many opportunities that this will offer to introduce TEE, and encourage effective and fruitful use of TEE courses in churches!