Books and articles on TEE
Bibliography of works on TEE since 2000
About TEE
TEE courses
TEE good practice
VIDEO 1: Creating, maintaining and sharing your organisation’s mission and vision
VIDEO 3 (PowerPoint): Translation and contextualisation of TEE courses
VIDEO 7 COMING SOON: TEE group leader training
VIDEO 10: Helping TEE students grow in Christ-like character
VIDEO 11: Gathering and storing student, group leader and group information
VIDEO 12: Maintaining healthy relationships with local church leaders
TEE and theological education
Edinburgh 2010: Challenges and opportunities in theological education in the 21st century
Glissmann, Volker – Prayer as a tool for reflection and application
Schirrmacher - Appeal for alternative education models (2004)
Werner (WCC) - Challenges and opportunities in theological education (full, 2009)
'TEE in Asia' book
Kathmandu 2010 conference statement (see 'What excites us about TEE' above)
Exploring New Horizons conference report