Increase Association membership contributions

Membership Contributions
Core Member organisations
The contribution is linked with the size of the organisation, according to the number of active students. This gives three bands, of large/medium/small organisations.
Then within the band, there is a range of contributions. Each organisation will make its own decision about whether to give at the lower or higher end of the range.

Other Members
Fellowship Members are organisations which are not Core members. Please choose your own contribution starting at 100 USD, and more if you can afford it.
Individual Members and Friends will continue with the present contribution, which is a minimum of 20 USD, and more if you wish.
How to Decide your own Contribution?
Increase is a voluntary Association which can only flourish when its members contribute their time and talents for the good of all. The same is true of financial contributions.
Each should contribute according to their ability.
This will vary from year to year. One year you may be able to contribute more money within the range. The next year it may be less. That’s fine.
We trust you to decide as the Lord leads you
How to pay your Contribution
Send your membership contribution through the PayPal account to, adding 3% to cover their charges.
Send a bank transfer to Increase Association:
Account Name: Increase Trust UK
Account Number: 00024426
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Treasurer: Tiow Thang Ng
Account Address: 10 Albert Road,
London, N4 3RW, UK.
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd.
Address: 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ, UK.
(Intermediary Bank if requested)
Intermediary Bank: HSBC, City Corporate Banking Centre, 60 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4TR, UK.
IBAN: GB48MIDL40053072138549.
Account Name: CAF Bank Ltd
Account Number: 72138549
Sort Code: 40-05-30
Sender to receiver information: Increase Trust UK 00024426
Please inform us of your donation on so we can send you a receipt.
If you are making an online transfer: There is usually a box where you enter information or notes from the sender to the receiver. It is important that you enter ‘Increase Trust UK 00024426’ in this box.